Take meaningful action to secure a viable and prosperous future for humanity and all life on Earth.

“Invest and join us as stewards of Earth, driven by empathy, B Corp principles, and a commitment to sustainable ongoing growth for all of humanity.”

The Envisionation Biosphere Restoration Plan presents a positive “Whole Earth System” approach

Envisionation’s multidisciplinary team has crafted a plan to:

Empower delivery of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals: benefiting a global population of 9 billion by 2050.

Restore Natural Climate Stability: Our plan re-establishes the biosphere’s natural climate-stabilizing capabilities.

Address Civilization Failings: By identifying structural weaknesses in legal and fiscal systems, we aim to rectify dire environmental degradation.

Harmonize with Nature: We propose legal and accounting frameworks that stimulate biosphere restoration, allowing civilization to advance in harmony with nature.

Finance Restoration: Our strategy secures necessary financing by leveraging the extraordinary growth in global GDP that large-scale environmental restoration will deliver.

Empathy Coins - donate to invest in a positive future

Empathy Coins (digital assets) will make investment in the BRP project open to every individual and organisation. Initially they will fund dissemination and the advancement of the biosphere restoration plan including the development of an Earth system accounting infrastructure. As the project advances, they will link by smart contract to the whole Earth system biomass account. Empathy Coins are designed to be supportive of other biomass growth projects acting to underpin a living carbon standard.

Work with us to deliver and communicate the BRP to the world

This is a colossal undertaking and must be a collaborative effort. Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss a closer participation.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

Delivery of the 17 UN SDG’s imply a better, fairer world for everyone. They have been committed to by 195 countries (but thus far with very little idea of how they can be achieved). The BRP sets out how they can be delivered and develops powerful commercial arguments to support taking the actions necessary for their achievement.

Let’s be realistic about our situation

Make no mistake, net zero by 2050 is a wholly inadequate target, of course it is vital to rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions, but we will have to go well beyond this and may have to take emergency action to cool the planet and prevent runaway warming while the lost biomass is regrown.

Empathy Coins - donate to invest in a positive future

Empathy Coins (digital assets) will make investment in the BRP project open to every individual and organisation. Initially they will fund dissemination and the advancement of the biosphere restoration plan including the development of an Earth system accounting infrastructure. As the project advances, they will link by smart contract to the whole Earth system biomass account. Empathy Coins are designed to be supportive of other biomass growth projects acting to underpin a living carbon standard.

Work with us to deliver and communicate the BRP to the world

This is a colossal undertaking and must be a collaborative effort. Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss a closer participation.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

Delivery of the 17 UN SDG’s imply a better, fairer world for everyone. They have been committed to by 195 countries (but thus far with very little idea of how they can be achieved). The BRP sets out how they can be delivered and develops powerful commercial arguments to support taking the actions necessary for their achievement.

Let’s be realistic about our situation

Make no mistake, net zero by 2050 is a wholly inadequate target, of course it is vital to rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions, but we will have to go well beyond this and may have to take emergency action to cool the planet and prevent runaway warming while the lost biomass is regrown.

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The Biosphere

The Biosphere

The incredibly thin membrane that coats the surface of the coagulated mass

of space junk derived from the remnants of former stars, we call planet Earth.

Our world, the regions where life exists, the very depths of the ocean,

up to 5 km underground on land and as much as 20 km into the atmosphere. 

The incredibly thin membrane that coats the surface of the coagulated mass

of space junk derived from the remnants of former stars, we call planet Earth.

Our world, the regions where life exists, the very depths of the ocean,

up to 5 km underground on land and as much as 20 km into the atmosphere. 

The Biosphere
Restoration Plan (BRP)

Founded on a deep understanding of the formation and function of Earth’s biosphere, (Critical as, if you don’t know how it worked in the first place you can’t fix it). Over the past 10,000 years humanity has reduced the overall mass of living things on the planet, to less than half of those that had existed for the previous million years. This is a disaster because living things built the biosphere and function as its climate management engine. This is at least as damaging as the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and the pollution of land and seas, because it has severely degraded the biosphere’s ability to absorb those pollutants and self-heal.

To be clear, we have damaged the system to the point that climatic stability is being lost. The BRP aims to re-stabilise Earth’s climate through the restoration of the greater than 50% of life on earth that has been lost. Enabling this lost biomass to regrow will draw down 550 billion tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere and oceans, sufficient to return atmospheric CO2 close to pre-industrial levels. Large-scale eco restoration projects have proven humanity’s ability to restore environments along with their microclimates and biodiversity. The knowledge and resources including workforces are available and the plan is made commercially viable, by identifying the extraordinary wealth creation that will result from the restoration of vast areas of land and seas.

Congratulations you are a critical component of it!

The fact that you are alive means that you are part of an unbroken chain of events 3.8 billion years long. Life, built and shaped our environments changing them in harmony with its own evolution. A key feature of life is its ability to colonise and stabilise, as it works against chemical and physical forces of the planetary environment. We see this in the ways that plants stabilise the side of a mountain and slow the flow of rivers. Less well understood is that the amazing integrated web of life acts together to maintain climatic conditions, circulating essential nutrients, forming clouds that circulate water and reflect away excess solar radiation.

The entire system works as a climate management engine and the big human impact over the past 10,000 years has been the reduction in the size of that living engine to half of what it had been for the preceding hundreds of thousands of years. As things stand humanity is pushing the system beyond its ability to maintain relatively stable conditions. Which is why restoration of the full complement of life of the biosphere is so important. 

We are a natural part of the system, potentially great accelerators of evolution and the mechanism by which life on Earth can expand out into the solar system, but to do that, it is essential that we understand our place in nature and recognise the importance of caring for Mother Earth along with having "Empathy" for all the living things that support us.

Setting a framework for success

Fundamentally humanity is in its current dire predicament because we have failed to take proper care of our home, thinking that we can endlessly pollute and strip resources from the biosphere. Successful societies are all dependent upon rules that are fit for purpose, this is true of a shoal of fish, a colony of ants, a troop of chimpanzees and every human community. At the macro scale humanity needs laws to protect the environment.

The BRP therefore includes support for the gradual implementation of an international law of Ecocide, the criminalisation of major acts of environmental harm such as pollution of the earth, sea and skies.

Legal structures that protect Earth’s environments are enabled by whole Earth system accounting that recognises the true cost and real value of every action. Enabling this requires measurement and monitoring at a global scale. Envisionation is working with the International Centre for Earth Simulation Foundation on the development of a digital Earth model to create a dashboard for real-time evaluation of our actions and allow humanity to responsibly chaperone our planet.

Empathy Economics for
Impact investment
on a massive scale

Full Earth system accounting including the real cost of environmental damage will drive large-scale investment and force action in the right direction, ensuring the development of contracting between the users and damagers of Earth system resources and the preservers and restorers.

As a result, clean non-polluting energy systems will totally outcompete the hydrocarbon burners and standing forests will be recognised for their true natural capital value, derived from the climate management services they provide.

Working with Equity 4 Humanity our finance, banking and insurance partners, the plan includes the creation of a Biosphere Restoration Fund to deliver blended impact funding. Taking a whole Earth system approach and driven by the extraordinary growth in global GDP that will result from very large-scale environmental restoration projects.

The Envisionation BRP is designed to be inclusive

Our comprehensive strategies offer individuals, corporations, and governments the opportunity to invest in a regenerative future, fostering the growth of a vibrant, resilient biosphere. Participation is enabled through block chain mounted called Empathy Coins which first finance the BRP’s further development and the communication of the positive story it represents.

This will leverage the funding of the whole Earth system accounting and monitoring structures. Upon the implementation of which Empathy Coins will be linked through their smart contracts to the health of the biosphere.

The ultimate objective is the enablement of the delivery of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The underlying business proposition is secured on the huge increase in global GDP that a world of 9 billion people living well ensures.

Participate by acquiring Empathy Coins

Be part of a revolution that redefines prosperity as the flourishing of all life on Earth and make ecological stewardship your legacy to the young and future generations. Empathy Coins, because we all need to have Empathy for each other and all other life on Earth.

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About Envisionation

Our History

The Envisionation BRP team has evolved over the past 12 years and correctly predicted the accelerating path of global warming and ecosystem breakdown. Possible because we work independently outside of traditional corporate structures. Our extensive and ever-growing network reaches across all the disciplines concerned with the operation of the Whole Earth System, both natural and human. Our network provides access to nearly every major institution engaged in biosphere related studies, renewable energy systems, AgriTech, and a great many of the world’s leading universities.

Collectively hundreds of thousands of hours have gone into studying the Whole Earth System functionality, analysing the level of our planetary crisis and determining how to move to a new sustainable paradigm. The resulting BRP has been recognised as the most comprehensive high-level set of solutions yet proposed.


To deliver the Biosphere Restoration Plan, Envisionation has teamed up with:

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